Saturday, October 19, 2013

5. 'Gravity' - The Coolest science fiction thriller movie ever!

   This movie ' Gravity' is a science fiction thriller filmed by Alfonso Curaon, released on the first week of October, still has a pretty high rating which is at 8.6! For me, even the first scene was amazing! It started with zooming out the entire Earth for a while with no sound at all and then the camera slowly zooms in two people, Sandra Bullock (Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer) and George Clooney (Matt Kowalsky, veteran astronaut) on their mission fixing a mechanic problem on a shuttle in space. Suddenly the shuttle had some serious problem about to explode, and after a short while, everything on the shuttle explodes and Dr.Ryan and Matt had to leave the shuttle, and directly face into a space that has no water, oxygen or sound.

  This movie illustrates really well how frustrated and hopeless it could be to be situated in space where I always have thought to be the coolest to travel around if I have money to spend. In the middle of the film, when Dr. Ryan ended up realize that there is nothing she can do, she met Matt Kowalsky in her dream. He basically gave a hint that she could try out to get out of the space, and she put her last effort on it and finally made it to get back to the Earth.

  Hence, not only this movie was just cool to watch, but also gave me a lesson to be grateful and happy with what I have right now :) If you still have not watch this movie,you must watch it on IMAX screen!


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