Sunday, September 22, 2013

1. Polar bear's change of diet builds up a higher POP loads in their body

     Oftentimes, we are already aware of how global warming is negatively affecting the Arctic ocean and to the polar bear who lives in the warming Arctic ocean. According to the Science Daily news, the East Greenlandic area is where most of the polar bears reside because the sea ice disappears later than the other place of the Arctic ocean. Nevertheless, the declining rate of the ice in the area is 1% per year, and it influences the polar bears feed from ringed seal to harp seal or hooded seal.
    An international research team of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources from Aarhus University and several Canadian institutions investigated fatty acids of adipose tissues from Arctic Polar bears from 1984 to 2011, and found out  the intake of sub-Arctic seals brought an increase of persistent organic pollutatnts (POPs), which means for a higher usage of POPs in human life over the years based on the data.

Reference : Aarhus University (2013, September 20). Climate change: Polar bears change to diet with higher contaminant loads. ScienceDaily. Retrieved 

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